Joe is a 19 year old student who works part time in a pub during the evenings. He walks to work most nights as it is just around the corner from his student flat, which he shares with three of his male friends and one of their girlfriends.
He often takes nights off work to attend local gigs and open mic nights at other pubs. He either walks there with his friends or gets a night bus as he never bothered learning to drive when he was at school.
Joe attended both Glastonbury and Reading festival last year and lived off beans on toast for a good few weeks afterwards after spending his student loan on tickets (as well as a bit of extra funding from his mum).
After hearing some Mumford & Sons on the radio at work, and seeing them at Glastonbury, he decided to download their album from iTunes. He listens to his iPod often, on his way to lectures, work, and to his friends houses. His 'most listened to' playlist features Mumford & Sons, One Night Only and the Maccabees. Others include Bob Dylan, Jeff Buckley, Marc Bolan and Kings of Leon, despite thinking 'Sex on Fire' is overplayed, he still secretly listens to it.
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